Internet Safety and Some Coffee

As part of Digital Citizenship Week, Claire Wachowiak and Brycen Davis, our Tech Integration Team, discussed Internet safety and digital balance with parents during a PTA Coffee Morning. Susan Taylor hosted the event.

IMG_2414During this time, a lively discussion took place regarding the concerns parents have about their children being online. While understanding that the Internet has become an integral part of our daily lives, students need to be guided on how to use this incredible tool as its significant functionality also comes with some inherent dangers.  We talked about what IICS is doing to help keep students safe online, including lessons and the Acceptable Use Policies, and also what parents can do at home.

While each home is unique, there are several suggestions below that may help guide students in making smart online choices and to develop healthy screen time habits:

  1. Talk with your child; make sure to check in with your child about their online lives
  2. Create an ‘at home’ media agreement with your child
  3. Talk to your child about Internet safety rules; don’t assume
  4. File_000Keep technology in a central location
  5. Limit screen time
  6. Be a role model for your child in using technology safely and effectively

To help with this, Claire and Brycen have also created a resource page for parents to get information about keeping their children safe online. Additionally, they have created a Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) for parents to help navigate this ever changing landscape.

Thank you again to Susan Taylor and the PTA for hosting our Tech Integration Team. It was a lovely morning and we look forward to many more.


What is a Good Digital Citizen?

IMG_5089On Monday, students in grades two through six discussed what it means to be a good digital citizen. In school, we hear so much about digital citizenship so we thought it would be a good time to establish expectations and responsibilities when online. Also, we reviewed how to positively and respectfully participate in an online community.

Students discussed their thoughts on what it means to be in a community, characteristics of an effective digital citizen, and situations they have run into when online. Many classes also created charts to record their thinking.  All and all, a good day for digital citizenship!



Students also watched the video below ‘Characteristics of a Responsible Digital Citizen’


Exploring with Technology

Grades 2 and 3 at Hisar have had a busy morning with technology!

Grade 2 students used Spelling City to create their own spelling lists based on previous spelling exams. Way to go Ms. Apps and the students in Grade 2!

Mr. Hinkley’s Grade 3 class fearlessly explored the app Explain Everything. Students quickly learned how to import and edit photos, draw images, and record their voices.

Hour of Code… The Movie!

We just finished up our Hour of Code week at IICS. It is safe to say that all students who participated, throughly enjoyed this event.  IICS Weekly News even wrote an article about it! Check out the article here and the video below that recaps the week. Keep on coding!

Explaining the Water Cycle Using Technology with Grade 1

Hisar students in Grade 1 recently completed a unit inquiring into the Water Cycle. For the Summative Unit Assessment, they used an app called Explain Everything. The purpose was to demonstrate their learning and to discuss what happens in the water cycle. Enjoy the videos below from Ms. Murray’s class:

What is Cyberbullying?

Check out the presentations on cyberbullying for grades three and four and grade six:

What is Cyberbullying?

Cyberbullying: Crossing the Line