Creating in-text citations with grade 7

When creating research reports or presentations we expect our students to acknowledge where they found the information they are using. In our school we are using the Modern Language Association (MLA) guidelines for attributions.

This week we have been working with Grade & Design Technology Students exploring MLA citation methods. The tool we use to create citations is called EasyBib Not only does it create citations and works cited lists  it has a brilliant guide as to how to use MLA  for in-text or as they call it parenthetical citations. MLA citations have special rules about the font size, the spacing and the layout of ‘Works Cited’ lists. With EasyBib this is all taken care of. It is harder to make the in-text citation because special rules apply according to how you have used the information in the text. To create this citation you need to consult the rule book.

So we revised and learned more about two important tools for Information Literacy – MLA guidelines and EasyBib.

Students creating an in-text citation
Students creating an in-text citation
EasyBib citation generator has great guides for students
Students creating an in-text citation
Students creating an in-text citation
Students creating an in-text citation

Students creating an in-text citation