Common Sense Media in Grade 6

Students in Grade 6 started working on Digital Literacy using the Common Sense Media curriculum.  They watched videos, had small group and whole class discussions, worked on their computer using shared Google Docs, and hand-wrote some ideas in the lesson.

The lesson overview and objectives were as follows:

Students first watch a short video in which teens share their rules of the road for connecting with others online. Through a guided class discussion, students then learn strategies for recognizing and responding to risky online interaction. Finally, students work in groups to rate the riskiness of several online scenarios using the Internet Traffic Light Student Handout.

Students will:

  • Describe positive aspects of online talking and messaging
  • Identify situations in which flirting and chatting become inappropriate and risky
  • Understand rules for safe online messaging, and feel empowered to deal with uncomfortable situations when communicating online