Hour of Code 2016

When we asked second grade students what coding means to them, they came up with some very interesting responses:

Coding is…

  • giving commands
  • following step-by-step (directions)
  • hard, frustrating
  • being specific
  • happy when you figure it out
  • (following a) pattern
  • figuring out the least amount of movements to solve a problem

Most students who participated this year’s Hour of Code would agree. Students describe coding as the language of computers. Essentially if you are using technology, code is involved.


However, coding isn’t just about learning a language, it is a skill that encourages collaboration and promotes problem solving, including critical thinking. It helps student to develop their logical thinking skills as well as nurture their creativity.

Please watch the video below to see IICS students coding. If you are interested in learning more about coding, please check this out for more resources.